Dried peach leaves


Khushkhor dried peach leaf is a unique and high quality and 100% organic product with various and hygienic packaging being produced by Armaghan Mandagh Khayyam company.

Peach leaves are harvested and collected in a hygienic manner and dried with a dryer without manual intervention and are produced and distributed in distinctive and hygienic packages.

Khoshkhor brand is always trying to deliver a product that is unrivaled in the market and with unique quality to you, dear consumers and countrymen.

About dried peach leaf

At the beginning of the article and the description of this product, it is necessary to mention that I should tell you that this unique product, the dried peach leaf, is as good as the strongest dried fruit.

One of the most characteristic dried fruits is the dried peach leaf that was told to you. Dried peaches contain a lot of vitamin C, which is very effective for the growth of bones, skin, teeth, muscles and blood vessels of the fetus.

One of the delicious snacks is dried peaches, which you can prepare and use throughout the day. Dried peaches with low diameter and moisture do not have a pleasant taste when eaten.

Fruits are considered to be the only group of foods that have all the nutritional values and are the source of vitamins, antioxidants and fibers that you should use to maintain freshness and avoid any kind of disease.


The properties of dried peaches in strengthening and increasing hair growth: Since peaches are rich in iron, as a result, they can improve blood flow in the skin and strengthen hair follicles and increase hair growth.

Properties of dried peaches in fetal growth: Dried peaches contain a lot of vitamin C, which is very effective for the development of bones, skin, teeth, muscles and blood vessels of the fetus. Since there is a significant amount of folate in dried peaches, it is useful in preventing fetal neural tube defects. The high amount of potassium in dried peaches is effective for preventing muscle cramps and general fatigue in pregnant women. Also, the high fiber present in this dried fruit improves bowel movements and helps to prevent and treat constipation.

Properties of dried peach in slimming and weight loss: Since dried peach has more calories than its fruit, but because it has high fiber, it reduces appetite and prevents overeating and helps people lose weight. In addition, the fiber present in this dry fruit cleans and detoxifies the intestines, which in turn causes slimming and weight loss.


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