
Fier d’exporter vers le Moyen-Orient et les pays européens


Répondant 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7

Emballage distinctif

Il a des emballages variés et attrayants

De la production à la consommation

De la collecte au séchage en passant par la distribution des produits aux clients
à propos
  • Nous
  • Entreprise
  • bon mangeur
  • notre succès
Savoir plus

Khoshkhor industrial production group with the support of years of experience in the field of production
Natural products as well as innovation in product processing based on the use of materials
High-quality and health-giving basics and relying on modern knowledge in making successful devices
The production of competitive products has become global.
Khoshkhor always tries to increase the variety and quality of products in every basket
The Iranian family gained its position.

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